Sunday, 22 January 2012


Bosses face problem with workers wasting time on FB

PETALING JAYA: Employers are increasingly faced with the problem of employees wasting their time on Facebook and other social networking websites during office hours.

“Many companies have blocked their employees from accessing Facebook in the office, but this measure is not always effective as many of them can still access the website on their smartphones,” said Malaysian Employers Federation executive director Shamsuddin Bardan.

Although most employers wanted to stop employees from chatting or playing games online, he noted that companies in fields such as entertainment and media needed to access the social websites to keep up with the latest trends and news.

How the problem of time-wasting on websites was handled depended on “the nature of business” of the companies concerned, said Shamsuddin.

He added that young people might not be interested in working for companies which were too strict and did not allow them to log on to Facebook.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong said that Facebook users were “inviting trouble” if they constantly updated their status with information on their whereabouts and what they were doing.

“There are young girls who even update their status to say that they are going to take a bath,” he said.
He added that 14 female Facebook users had reported to the department that they were cheated and blackmailed last year

rasanya ni masalah yang dihadapi ramai orang terutama bos2. hehe.. tapi sungguh, bos takkan bising atau marah kalau berfb, asalkan kerja siap dan tak buat salah. tapi macamana dengan staff yang berfb, dengan alasan kalau tak berfb, nanti mengantuk. nak kena ada entertainment jugak katanya. tapi kerja banyak yang tak betul. tak boleh berfb, berym @ bergtalk la pulak. sigh* kemudian bila takde bonus @ kenaikan gaji, mula merungut hehe. its normal, huh.

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