Sunday, 29 January 2012

underworld: awakening

siang tadi tengok underworld. sebenarnya, kat cinema tu tak banyak sangat pilihan. selain tolak cerita seram melayu, ada cerita kantonis juga. akhirnya pilih underworld. ok sebenarnya movie tu. cuma, saya agak ngeri dengan keganasan yang terlampau hehe. so ada part2 yang terpaksa tutup mata.

official website

Saturday, 28 January 2012


saya parking betul-betul di depan bank petang tadi, sebab nak bayar loan kat 1 atm. habis je, saya terus keluar. tapi rupanya ada sebuah motosikal parking betul2 di belakang kereta saya. mungkin orang yang guna mesin atm sebelah saya kot.

tak apalah. sekejap je. dari dalam kereta, saya boleh nampak lelaki tu. dari mesin atm, dia berdiri seolah membelek sesuatu. kemudian, dia pergi ke mesin atm semula (atau ke mesin cash deposit?) beberapa minit kemudian, dia berdiri lama di depan pintu bank.

alamak. takkan dia tak nampak saya? dan dia tak sedar yang motornya betul2 menghalang saya untuk keluar parking? nak bunyikan hon, saya rasa tak perlu. akhirnya dia berjalan perlahan menuju ke motornya. menoleh ke arah saya tanpa berkata apa-apa. juga tiada senyum. terus saya ucap: terima kasih, ya? dia hanya menonong pergi.

aduh! ehehe. dah la tiada kata maaf. atau angguk ke. atau.. apa2 saja. tak apalah. mungkin fikirannya terganggu, dan tak sedar apa yang berlaku :|

Friday, 27 January 2012


dah beberapa malam tidur tak berapa lena. sudahlah susah nak lelap (walaupun terasa letih yang amat sangat!) dan sekitar pukul 3, akan terjaga. dan lepas tu, akan terjaga selang setengah jam. akhirnya 3-4 hari ni, saya datang awal ke pejabat.

tapi hari ni, agaknya dah terlalu kurang tidur, pagi tadi saya terlewat bangun! tersedar, dah pukul 7.44!
alhamdulillah masih ramai yang bercuti. maka jalan tak berapa sesak. dan saya sempat sampai sebelum 8.30. kalaulah minggu depan saya terlewat bangun macam tu, maunya jam 8.45 baru sampai ke pejabat.

tapi sejak dari pagi, kepala berdenyut sakit! bahana kurang tidur ke?

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

dslr saya

currently i'm having this..
and i attended few classes. during my class, the teacher show us extra lens. tapi lebih berminat pada dua lens ni..

tetapi malangnya, my camera is not so compatible with these lens, due to the sharpness etc as my camera is old version and nikon is no longer produce this model.

i'm looking to another model (intend to trade in @ sell my old camera sob sob :'( ) but the model which is suitable with my budget is..

itupun harganya, kena berfikir banyak kali. sedih! harap-harap ada rezeki datang menggolek haha. nampak gaya, tak boleh bawa lens baru waktu bercuti akan datang ni. :'(

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Director: Brad Peyton
Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson, Luis Guzman, Vanessa Hudgens, Kristin Davis

Synopsis: Young Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson, reprising his role from the first film) receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should exist. It's a place of strange life forms, mountains of gold, deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. Unable to stop him from going, Sean's new stepfather, Hank (Dwayne Johnson), joins the quest. Together with a helicopter pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shockwaves force the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever.


 watched this movie today with dd. sebenarnya tak ada plan pun. tapi dah alang-alang keluar. memang menarik la movie ni. kelakar pun ye. the best part for me.. when hank playing guitar and sing a song for sean & his grandpa. a bit sad scene actually. and one more thing, the scenery @ prop is superb!

Sunday, 22 January 2012


alkisahnya, ada beberapa orang yang berhutang sejak berapa bulan, juga dah menginjak bertahun. tapi kelihatannya tiada niat untuk membayar kembali. sedihnya saya :(

sekiranya dia berhutang kerana sesuatu yang benar2 penting, mungkin saya akan halalkan saja seperti nak menguruskan jenazah.. atau untuk keperluan sekolah anak2..  tapi ini, untuk keperluan sendiri (shopping etc) di mana waktu itu duit tak mencukupi.

memang salah saya memberi pinjaman. tapi nak menolak, saya tidak tahu perkataan apa yang sesuai. dan sekarang, untuk menuntut kembali wang sendiri, saya pula yang malu. dan kebetulan waktu ini, saya sedikit terdesak menyebabkan saya teringat hutang2 yang belum dibayar.

sekiranya waktu ini, dia hidup melarat, mungkin saya tidak berapa kisah. tetapi kalau dia boleh saja bersiar2 ke sana sini, atau bekerja dengan nama yang agak besar.. dan mencanangkan pada semua orang?

Orang kaya yang menunda-nunda (mengulur-ulurkan waktu) pembayaran hutangnya adalah kezaliman. (HR. Bukhari)

happy cny

for those who celebrate chinese new year..

xin nian kuai le. wan shi ru yi. gong xi fa chai


Bosses face problem with workers wasting time on FB

PETALING JAYA: Employers are increasingly faced with the problem of employees wasting their time on Facebook and other social networking websites during office hours.

“Many companies have blocked their employees from accessing Facebook in the office, but this measure is not always effective as many of them can still access the website on their smartphones,” said Malaysian Employers Federation executive director Shamsuddin Bardan.

Although most employers wanted to stop employees from chatting or playing games online, he noted that companies in fields such as entertainment and media needed to access the social websites to keep up with the latest trends and news.

How the problem of time-wasting on websites was handled depended on “the nature of business” of the companies concerned, said Shamsuddin.

He added that young people might not be interested in working for companies which were too strict and did not allow them to log on to Facebook.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong said that Facebook users were “inviting trouble” if they constantly updated their status with information on their whereabouts and what they were doing.

“There are young girls who even update their status to say that they are going to take a bath,” he said.
He added that 14 female Facebook users had reported to the department that they were cheated and blackmailed last year

rasanya ni masalah yang dihadapi ramai orang terutama bos2. hehe.. tapi sungguh, bos takkan bising atau marah kalau berfb, asalkan kerja siap dan tak buat salah. tapi macamana dengan staff yang berfb, dengan alasan kalau tak berfb, nanti mengantuk. nak kena ada entertainment jugak katanya. tapi kerja banyak yang tak betul. tak boleh berfb, berym @ bergtalk la pulak. sigh* kemudian bila takde bonus @ kenaikan gaji, mula merungut hehe. its normal, huh.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

karnival buku karangkraf

ok,karnival buku dah kembali! sesiapa yang ada masa lapang, serta tak tahu nak buat apa, boleh je datang dan jengah karnival ni.

takde plan nak membeli apa-apa pun. saja-saja dari tak buat apa-apa.

Friday, 20 January 2012


baru-baru ni, dah selesai penilaian tahunan untuk semua pekerja. dan perkara biasa, ada yang dapat kenaikan gaji. ramai juga yang kekal. cuma, bonus untuk tahun lepas, akan dibayar serentak.

dan selalunya, sewaktu assessment, pekerja tersebut akan diberitahu kenaikan @ bonus yang akan diterima. dan sudah diingatkan, to keep it as secret. tapi, ada ke yang betul-betul amanah dalam bab ni?

tak sampai seminggu, rupanya sudah ada yang membuka meja bulat, berbincang mengenai kenaikan gaji dan bayaran bonus, sedangkan bayaran masih belum diterima. agaknya masing-masing ingin membanding-bandingkan sesama mereka. 
tak terasa apa-apa ke sekiranya orang yang ditanya tu, mendapat bonus yang sedikit, atau tidak mendapat sebarang kenaikan gaji? atau.. diri sendiri tak tercabar ke sekiranya orang yang ditanya mendapat lebih banyak dari diri sendiri?

ntahlah. sebab, sejak dari saya mula berkerja, tak pernah saya berkongsi gaji ataupun bertanya sesiapa mengenai gaji yang mereka terima. itulah manusia.. rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain. walaupun rambut sekarang tak ramai dah yang berwarna hitam he he.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

the 45 places to go in 2012

credited to the new york times (travel)

  1. panama
  2. helsinki, finland
  3. myanmar
  4. london
  5. oakland, calif
  6. tokyo
  7. tanzania
  8. chilean patagonia
  9. lhasa, tibet
  10. havana, cuba
  11. moscow
  12. glasgow
  13. puebla, mexico
  14. san diego
  15. halong bay, vietnam
  16. florence, italy
  17. st. vincent
  18. moganshan, china
  19. birmingham, england
  20. space
  21. kerala, india
  22. paraty, brazil
  23. koh rong, cambodia
  24. vienna
  25. chattanooga, tenn
  26. dakhla, morocco
  27. maldives
  28. malacca, malaysia
  29. the algarve
  30. tahoe, calif
  31. wales
  32. antarctica
  33. uganda
  34. ukraine
  35. samana peninsula, dominican republic
  36. dubrovnik, crotia
  37. chiloe island, chile
  38. jordan
  39. crans-montana, switzerland
  40. montpellier, france
  41. nosara, costa rica
  42. south korea
  43. lodz, poland
  44. dalarna, sweden
  45. portovenere, italy

re-schedule itinerary

still working on the itinerary to india.
nampak gaya, terpaksa lupakan shimla disebabkan kesuntukan masa. from delhi to shimla, take about 10 to 11 hours drive.

previous itinerary was:
1st day - agra
2nd day - shimla
3rd day - shimla
4th day - shimla
5th day - delhi

but how about jaipur? :( so we decide to forget about throwing snow at shimla haha.

the new itinerary will look like:

08/02/12 [agra]
- taj mahal
- agra fort
- fatehpur sikri
- sikandra tomb

09/02/12 [jaipur]
- hawa mahal
- jantar mantar jaipur
- ram niwas garden
- jal mahal
- city palace
- amer fort
- nahargarh fort
- abhaneri step well

10/02/12 [delhi]
- india gate
- red forts
- lotus temple
- qutub minar
- jama masjid
- jantar mantar
- birla mandir
- azad hind gram

11/02/12 [delhi - shopping]
- sarojini market
- old delhi shopping
- dilli haat

12/02/12 [?????] maybe have to continue shopping and spend all the rupees he he

will apply for visa by next week. as stated in their website, the visa will be ready within 3 working days. and starting this year, the backgound colour for picture is white. hopefully everything will be ok.

Sunday, 15 January 2012


still thinking what should i bring for my next trip.


long john

turtleneck sweater
long wool socks
warmer pad

Saturday, 14 January 2012

green environment

Home > Uncategorized > Anyone over the age of 35 should read this, as I copied this from a friends status ..

Anyone over the age of 35 should read this, as I copied this from a friends status ..

Checking out at the supermarket recently, the young cashier suggested I should bring my own bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. I apologized and explained, “We didn’t have this green thing back in my earlier days“.

The clerk responded, “That’s our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations“.

She was right about one thing–our generation didn’t have the green thing in “Our” day. So what did we have back then? After some reflection and soul-searching on “Our” day, here’s what I remembered we did have….

Back then, we returned milk bottles, pop bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles repeatedly. So they really were recycled. But we didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

We walked up stairs, because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn’t have the green thing in our day.

Back then, we washed the baby’s nappies because we didn’t have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 240 volts — wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right. We didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house — not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of Wales. In the kitchen, we blended & stirred by hand because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn petrol just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she’s right. We didn’t have the green thing back then.

We drank from a water fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn’t have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the bus, and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mums into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But isn’t it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn’t have the green thing back then?

Please post this on your Facebook profile so another selfish old person who needs a lesson in conservation from a smarty-pants young person can add to this.

credit to Gaasedal's weblog

kiss the rain

a song from yiruma

instrumental version

with lyric

hatiku di kinabalu

am so touch with this drama.

Friday, 13 January 2012


I'm going to India another next three weeks. can't wait! padahal visa tak buat lagi! ha ha! we're planning to visit the golden triangle of india which is delhi, agra and jaipur. selalu terdengar sekiranya kita 'lulus' sewaktu di india, itu bermakna lulus juga untuk ke tempat lain. disebabkan di sana penuh dengan penipuan, dan juga kebersihan yang memang tak terjaga. cant comment more on this right now. kena tunggu bila dah balik nanti.

apa yang ada di sana?

di agra:
jaipur @ pink city:



and not forgotten.. shopping market! ;)

and insyaallah we'll try to go to shimla too.
thanks mr. google for the pix:D

wish list

dah masuk tahun baru, baru sibuk nak berwish list he he. bukan apa.. saja nak memotivasikan diri sendiri.

so this is my wish list.. tanpa had masa..

tapi kalau tak dapat yang tu, yang ini pun should be ok..
 2nd, goes to..
selain dari tu, yang biasa2 saja. dah tak masuk wishlist. but more to self improvement. which is dont wanna spend too much. sebab berangan2 nak bercuti-cuti melihat ciptaan tuhan. nak menghabiskan hutang-hutang yang ada.. always be good to others, even they don't etc. :)

Thursday, 12 January 2012


happy new year! selamat tahun baru!

new year.. with a new resolution.. start a new life.. open up a new chapter.. harap semuanya dipermudahkan. 
dah terlalu lama tak berblog. now am trying to start all over again. 

today.. 12th january. what a nice date. 12.1.12. 

keep busy with an interview. trying to looking for some new staff. suka tengok candidates yang bersemangat. teringat waktu dulu-dulu.. sewaktu sibuk mengusung fail ke sana-sini untuk mencari kerja. suratkhabar, jangan cakaplah. tak tertinggal satu hari pun untuk membeli surat khabar. bukan nak membaca sangat isu semasa. tapi lebih tertarik membelek iklan jawatan kosong.

sebaik habis spm, mengajar sementara. really challenging.

sementara cuti semester, jadi pembantu kedai buku sekolah. actually I'm a  shy person. sungguh. bila tengah bekerja, tiba-tiba bekas anak murid muncul, rasa nak menyorok di bawah meja.
another semester break, upgrade sikit. dari sales assistant di kedai buku sekolah, ke sales assistant di bookstore yang besar di kl. seawal jam 6.30am dah ikut sama bersesak di perhentian bas untuk tunggu bas mini. walau sedikit penat [untuk 9-10 jam bekerja, banyak habis masa dengan berdiri], but i'm really enjoyed my job.

pernah juga jadi pembantu klinik. setidaknya, tau juga nama-nama ubat.. jenis-jenis ubat. cuma agak susah nak bercuti. 
apa pun, itu ini dah hampir 15 tahun bekerja. syukur alhamdulillah.